

APFC panels- the best way to reduce the Industrial Electricity Costs

APFC Panel mainly used for the advance of PF up to 0.999 or Unity. Everybody knows that what proportion costly electrical bills. the most impact of APFC Panels for save to 30% energy & provide quality of power to the LT Panels. APFC Panel manufacturer mostly referred to as automatic power factor instrument panel .Function of APFC Panel includes a microcontroller-based programmable controller which switches on or off the capacitor banks of suitable capacity. By reading the reactive load automatically in multiple stages by directly works within the principle of VAR sensing tends to take care of the PF to 0.99 Lag.

Electricity accounts for one of the major contributors to industrial costing. Although there are many different ways to control and reduce this cost, but the engineering marvel that is the most effective solution for energy savings is the APFC panels. APFC is the abbreviation for Automatic Power Factor correction and the goal is to automatically manage and improve the power factor which in turn results in better power efficiency and power quality.

To help you understand why you must have APFC panels from Samudra Power Products energy, we have given below the APFC guide:


The role of APFC panels is to nullify the counter effect lagging reactive power that is caused by inductive loads like induction motors. These microprocessor-powered panels identify lagging reactive power and automatically corrects power factors by injecting reactive power to the grid by turning ON capacitor banks. There are many different types of customized APFC panels available for power requirements from 30kVAr to 1000kVAr according to the client's requirement.

Why switch to APFC Panel?

In commercial and industrial areas, having large electricity loads is a common thing. But, managing these loads manually can often lead to loss and wastage of energy and when overused can also lead to penalties. Instead of this, industries can switch to APFC panels and overcome this problem by employing the power of automation and ensure that you effectively maintain the utility power factor.

Types of APFC Panels available at Samudra Power Products energy:

There are two types of APFC panels which are APFC and RTPFC Panels. While the one is an Automatic power factor improvement Panel, the RTPFC is an advanced real-time power factor correction panel. Employing these panels can account for an average savings of 30% energy and can also ensure that it provides quality of power to the LT Panels. Employing these panels can remove the headache of manual switching; power loss and instead lead to intelligent switching of power factor operation, ensure fast and real-time response and provide high break relay Polarity reversal indication.